Anniversary Statement (June 2021)

On June 10, 2020, the Strike for Black Lives was called by Particles for Justice in coordination with Shut Down STEM. The strike was meant to halt work for a day to center Black lives, to create an opportunity for people to initiate their own efforts in organizing and acting in support of justice for Black people. The purpose of the call was to ask all of us to take a day to commit to ongoing work that changes the material conditions under which Black lives are lived. This is a matter of daily action, and Particles for Justice hopes that the community continues such action without the need for an anniversary or a reminder. Individuals and institutions have the capacity and prerogative to strengthen and invigorate their organizing and activism on their own initiative. Regardless of the date on the calendar or the hour of the day, it is important for us to work until there is justice, until the oppression of Black people ends.